When engineering services help you improve your time to market.

Today’s challenges, particularly those related to reducing vehicle fuel consumption and pollutant emissions, are forcing manufacturers and equipment suppliers to reorientate their R&D approach. As a result, they need to use increasingly effective testing methods and resources that are closer to the real environments in which their vehicles operate. This is the only way to optimise vehicle development and increase test productivity.

GREENMOT is fully committed to this approach by offering you 2 services. Both our engineering expertise and our test solutions are available to all mobility sectors.



Expert engineering and testing services

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Our experts can help you with your R&D projects and the design of your new test facilities. Your business issues are an integral part of our search for solutions. That’s why we offer you customised climatic cells, test benches and instrumentation. Our engineers are skilled in all the cross-disciplinary fields involved in carrying out tests: systems, mechanics, climate control, automation and more.

Our test services team can help you carry out your tests with customised services. Once the specifications have been agreed, the project is monitored by a dedicated project manager. Our teams then take charge of the various phases: vehicle preparation, instrumentation, control of the chosen cycle and post-processing. All of this is carried out over periods ranging from half a day to several months.

Ten years of experience in R&D and powertrain development

Relying on the skills of its experts and on its innovative testing facilities, GREENMOT is an engineering partner on current challenges. This particularly concerns the reduction of energy consumption and vehicle emissions and the hybridization of powertrain chains. All engines are concerned: thermal, electric, hybrid, gas.