Benefit from our expert services and our up-to-date test facilities providing accurate and very repeatable data results from vehicles or studied systems.

Our test center, located in France, is a 12 500m² test facility perfectly adapted to vehicle testing. This test center offers two environmental configurations: 1 climatic test cell for passenger cars and 3 high power climatic test cells for industrial vehicles. The cells’ characteristics combine climatic functions (-46 ° C | + 55 ° C), air management (wind / hygrometry), load management with the vehicle connected directly to motors . This configuration, unique in the world, meets the highest demands of our customers.

Greenmot automotive test cell

GREENMOT has developed and operates a new generation of automotive climatic test cell which provides OEM and their suppliers accurate, homogeneous  and very repeatable test results.

Heavy duty trucks

GREENMOT has developed an High Power climatic test cell for any kinds of industrial vehicles providing large climatic and load vehicle test conditions.

e-bench for axles

GREENMOT is able to implement specifics test benches dedicated to component applications (Transmission / Thermal)

pictograms vehicles